Brand Art Direction is a different bag when the brand employs you full-time...

You see behind the curtain and get access to the tiny moving pieces. Though the opportunity to create drastic splashy change is rare. The opportunity to make small changes that cause big ripples is to be found if you look close enough.

All are Welcome. Always.
Copywriting & Design  
When an elected official moves to ban entire races and faiths from entering a country, it sparks fear and un-ease. 

As a company with freedom of movement and inclusivity at it's core, the logical response was a message that challenged xenophobia and reiterated a message of safety. 

I wrote and designed this bit of copy in collaboration with PR and Copy Team.

It was meant to serve as a temporary fix, but it eventually found it's way into the ethical charter of the company, where it still stands as an ethical guidepost of the brand.  

Brand Direction: Brandi Halls 
Copy: Natasha Dennis
PR: Celeena Sayani 

We Believe
Lush is an ethically led company. It's place in the cosmetics industry is a result of operating counter to the norms of the cosmetics industry.  These ethics can be distilled down to it's  "We Believe" statement. 

Over time, the brand's visual identity and statement grew and shifted, resulting in the need for updated "We Believe" collateral. 

I was able to identify this need and refine the statement. It now hangs in all retail locations.. 
Lush in the Park
Event Art Direction  
A retail brand hangs it's hat on the in-store experience. But what if you want to bring the experience to new audiences in non traditional spaces? 

Lush in the park was a brand activation in Chicago's Millenium Park. I worked alongside a team of Retial Designers and PR to implement brand touch-points into an otherwise blank portable container. 
Lush Times 
Catalogue Layout & Upkeep  
The first Lush brand touchpoint I was responsible for was Product catalogue. This meant keeping track of the small product details, and engaging editorial layout. 

Though I did not design it from scratch, I was responsible for keeping it clean and consistent in 3 different languages. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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